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Get your tickets for the end of season awards dinner

Get your tickets for the end of season awards dinner

Niel Kenny1 Jun 2019 - 15:08
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Bring a partner and get a discount.

The dinner will be held at Croham Hurst Golf Club on June 22nd, 7.00pm for 8.00pm. Tickets are available from the club by bank transfer. Price per ticket is £30.00 per playing member and £35.00 per non playing member. A discount price of £50.00 for playing members and their partners and £60.00 for non playing members and their partners. Payment to be made into the club account . Details are:
Acct Name: PJFRFC - Nat West Bank
Acct No: 29465893
Sort Code: 60 06 14.

For the reference on the transfer please use initial and surname.

All member and supporters are welcome. We look forward to seeing as many of you on Saturday, June 22nd at Croham Hurst Golf Club.

Further reading